
CAPED! (old tryouts)
These get me the chance to work on Caped! but they never were published

IDW PUBLISHING, 2009-2010.
Thanks a lot to Kris Oprisko and everyone there for the hard work.

Writers: Daniel Liatowitsch & Todd Ocvirk
Art and Covers: Yair Herrera.


You can find Song of Saya sketches in the Misc. Gallery.

CAPED! #01 and #02

Boom! Studios, 2009.
Story by: Josh Lobis & Darin Moiselle
Art: Yair Herrera
Colors: Renato Faccini

ZOMBIES!: Eclipse of the undead.

Idw publishing, 2005.
Story: El Torres.
Art: Yair Herrera
Colors: Pablo Quiligotti

Other projects, short stories and tryouts.
Art:: Yair Herrera.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

buenisimo todo che la palbra que mas se me cruza es (sin que tu madre tenga nada que ver) que hijo de puta, cuando termine lo poquito que estoy haciendo te mando para que lo veas, un abrazo grande esteban